Getting injured at work isn’t any fun. You will have to take time off, there will be a load of paperwork, and you could even end up in court. To make it easier, here are the seven things you must do when you have an accident at work.
Focus on your injury
Immediately after the accident, you should ensure that you are okay. If there is any pain or discomfort, it is important not to wait. It’s far too easy for injuries to become worse if they are left untreated. The first thing you should do after an injury is take some time out and deal with your injury properly.
Report the accident to your colleagues
After you have looked after your injury, make sure that you report the accident to everyone involved. If you are worried about liability or legal issues, this will be the way to go. This shouldn’t stop you from looking at your own situation though. Being open and honest is always best in these situations, but don’t give too much away if you feel like it will put yourself at risk.
Protect yourself with accident insurance
Before an accident occurs, protect yourself by taking out accident insurance. This way, you can be sure that everything is covered should anything go wrong at work. Depending on the type of accident you have, this could prove to be very valuable.
Look into your legal rights
It’s important that you do some research about your accident and the legal side of things. Accidents at work are covered by legislation, so there are certain steps that must be taken. If someone else was involved, it could end up in court or at a tribunal, so it’s important to make sure you know what’s happening at all times. If you feel like you need to get in touch legal experts, check out RB Law.
Take photos and video evidence
As soon as the accident has happened, it’s important that you take photos or video evidence. This could be useful in court and also provides information should you choose to sue someone. While it can be traumatic to see footage of an accident, if someone is liable, you will want evidence to support your claims.
Get medical attention immediately
If you are injured at work, you should ideally visit a medical professional as soon as possible. Even if everything seems to be okay, it’s always good to get some health advice. Trust your instincts and get medical attention if you feel like something isn’t right.
Take note of the legal time limit
If you’re going to make a claim against someone, you need to do it within a specific period of time. If you fail to meet this deadline, your case will be thrown out and it is unlikely that you will get another chance. Make sure that you keep up to date with the time limit and act as soon as you can.