Apple and Intel can launch the chip based on the latest 3-nanometer production immediately after 2022, industrial sources claim, with the two companies said they have jumped over the process of the next TSMC. Although there will be some time before 3nm is the standard for the processor, the promise is cutting power consumption while at the same time improving performance.
At present, Apple uses 5NM technology for both SOC in the iPhone 12 family and the Apple M1 chip used in the latest Apple Silicon Mac and the latest iPad Pro. Intel, meanwhile, has its own ongoing processor production, but has delayed launching a smaller process due to technical obstacles.
The delay, and appetite for Apple products, is Gain Co. Manufacturing of Taiwan semiconductors. The company has printed a contract with Apple and Intel for the production of 3nm, according to Nikkei Asia, with the production of commercial chips based on the technology that is expected to begin sometime in the second half of 2022. Inner people have also provided ideas about where, at least initially, the chip may be used.
For Apple, it is recommended that it will be an iPad that knocks on the 3nm chip to start. According to leaks, the iPhone 2022 – unofficially referred to as the iPhone 14, with the iPhone 13 it is expected to debut around September this year – will not get a 3nm upgrade. Conversely, it is believed to use a 4nm production process chip.
Intel is believed to have even deepened dived, meanwhile, with the advice that he has a greater order plan than Apple. “Currently the volume of chips is planned for Intel more than that for the Apple iPad using a 3-nanometer process,” a source of claim. While Intel works on the 7NM process itself, which is now not expected to be ready until 2023; Even the 10NM Xeon Intel plan has been postponed from the end of 2021 to Q2 2022.
As a result, Intel previously confirmed it would work with TSMC on several chip projects, effectively healing American companies to lay their own manufacturing. The agreement is expected to include a 3NM laptop processor and 3nm data center server processor, at least. Mass production can begin at the end of 2022.
Although smaller production processes cannot be denied challenging – because Intel has found – their profits accommodate clear appeals for device makers. TSMC previously said that it could see a 15 percent increase in performance for 3NM technology chips, versus the 5nm version. Arguably even more important is efficiency, with 3nm chips potentially cutting power consumption by 25 to 30 percent, the manufacturer’s claim.