After the last 12 months, you could be forgiven for thinking that every day is a tough day, and you might not be wrong. Even so, in the current crisis, you can still have the kind of days when just simply grabbing a takeout and binge-watching Netflix won’t be enough for you to relax properly.
On days like these, you’ll need to take your chillout game up a level or two and try something new. While you may well think that in the last year you’ve had a chance to try everything, here are a few ways to relax you might not have considered.
Knitting or crochet
With all of the technology we have at our fingertips, it’s sometimes easy to forget some low-tech, old-school ways to spend your time. With knitting and crochet, not are you creating something but also switching off from the world and literally unplugging yourself from the things that may contribute to your stress.
Both knitting and crochet have had a resurgence in the last few years and have been adopted across the board, so there is no longer any stigma that knitting is just something your Grandma did. The things you need to get started are relatively cheap, and although levels of achievement will vary from person to person, it’s the act of knitting that has the value here, not the results.
Journaling and scrapbooking
Both of these hobbies dovetail nicely together and frequently overlap. Journaling is another ‘old school’ method, although it goes by a slightly different name to keeping a diary which is what it entails. It’s no secret that you can relieve stress and anxieties by writing them down, so you could use this method to relax by leaving the day’s worries on the page of your journal.
Scrapbooking is for those who are slightly artier. It may involve getting out and about (another great way to relax, but you will have already thought of that one) and collecting items to create a record of in your scrapbook or go for personal or family history instead.
Create a chillout space
If you have an area in your home to do this, it could be the perfect solution. Ideally, this area will be free of distractions like a TV or your phone and only contain a single piece of furniture. Bean bags like the ones you will find here will be perfect for this space where you can read a book listen to some calming music or natural sounds.
The idea of having a neutral space like this, where the things that are likely to contribute to your stresses and anxieties, like work emails or doomscrolling on social media, cannot affect you can help give yourself a break and ‘reset.’ This way, you can relax before going to bed and go into tomorrow a little more refreshed and ready for whatever the day has in store for you.
These cool ideas for relaxing at the end of the day might get you feeling inspired about shaking up your next morning, afternoon, or evening routine when you have finished work. See what a difference it can make to you.