Home Windows 11 requires a Microsoft account during setup
Windows 11 does not seem to have a lot of severe changes in the architecture under the hood, and many see it more as Windows 10.5. Microsoft, however, makes several changes to the operating system requirements that will make Windows 11 not compatible with the PC running Windows 10 well. This is not only hardware requirements that can be solving changes to the new Windows 11 system. Even the way you make the first user a new computer has important new requirements, at least for Windows 10 Home.
It’s no secret that Microsoft wants everyone to use Microsoft to have and use a Microsoft account. Even Minecraft, who is now owned, has begun to require it in all versions of the game. Microsoft tried to enforce the requirements during the Windows 10 period and did not meet a little counter-attack. It seems to have found the perfect opportunity to try again with Windows 11.
The latest windows reveal that the home windows 11 setting process absolutely requires a Microsoft account to set, which, in turn, requires a functioning internet connection. In Windows 10, turning off the internet connection will allow users to manage local accounts instead. However, this time, the setting process will not be continued if you do not have an internet connection.
The report notes that Microsoft accounts are only needed when configuring a new and retail PC, not when updating the Windows 10 system actively to Windows 11. Next, users can still add local accounts and delete Microsoft accounts after the setting process. It is not yet known if Windows 11 Pro or Enterprise will have similar requirements.
Requiring a Microsoft account will not sit well with some Windows users, but requiring an internet connection during the setup may be a greater violation for some people. Microsoft advertises many benefits and comfort that Microsoft’s account brings the experience of Windows 11. However, it presents that all Windows users are large fans or even users of all other Microsoft products, which are not possible.