You are not alone in having that sinking feeling of knowing that your credit card has been lost or stolen. It is usually safe to use a credit card to make purchases. However, due to misplacement or fraud, even the most alert and careful cardholder may be at risk of losing his or her credit card.
Steps that you should take if you lose your Citibank Credit Card
- Immediately report the stolen credit cards to your bank
To assist you with reporting your missing credit card, most card issuers are available 24/7. You can check the net for the telephone numbers of your bank or find them in your billing statements. Keep all relevant information handy in case any unique questions need to be answered.
- Call the Credit Bureau
Call the credit bureau if your card is stolen and request that a fraud warning be put on your credit profile. To ensure there are no other cases of credit card fraud, you can also check your latest credit report. If you deem any data to be wrong, immediately inform the credit bureau. Your credit card provider will take the necessary steps to replace it now that you have identified your missing card. Your account will not be revoked, and your account will no longer be linked with the old card. You will get your new card before you know it and your missing card will become just a bad dream.
- File a FIR
Say you’re confident that your credit card was stolen by a thief. It is a good start to contact your issuers to report the fraud, but it is not the only thing you can do. In the case of stolen credit cards, filing a police report is one step that you just don’t see people doing which they really should be taking. Contact the nearest police department in order to file a police complaint. Be prepared to include details on where and when the theft occurred and which items were taken.
How to Block Citibank Credit Card
The various ways to understand how to block Citibank Credit Card are mentioned below:
- Internet Banking
- Visit
- Enter the User ID and IPIN to login
- Select the card you wish to block.
- Next, enter the reason.
- Your request to replace the card will be processed. You will receive the new card at the registered address.
- Visiting the Branch
- You can visit the nearest branch to block the Citibank credit card. You can visit to find the nearest branch.
- The bank official will take the request to block the card. The new card will be sent to the registered address.
- Customer Care
- You can call citibank’s credit card customer care on 1800 267 2425 (toll-free) or +91 22 4955 2425 to block the card.
- The customer care executive will take your request to block the card. However, you will have to complete the verification procedure before the card can be blocked. You can also request a new card by calling customer care.
How to keep your credit cards close to yourself
- Instead of just pocketing it, setting it on a nightstand or letting it fly solo in your purse when you’re done using a card, make a habit of placing it back in the same position every time in your wallet.
- Download Citi Bank’s mobile app – Set this up now so that you can easily lock or freeze your card in case it ever goes missing again. Switch on push alerts while you’re at it, to inform you about your card spending, too, so you can spot fishy charges right away.
It’s worth remembering that temporarily blocking new transactions on your card is not a replacement for reporting a card as missing or stolen, whether you have a debit or credit card with a freezing or locking feature. If you find out that your lost credit card is really, really gone, call and report it to your issuer, even if the card is locked or frozen. This way, you will be issued a new number and card by your issuer and ensure that you are not held responsible for any future fraudulent transactions going forward.