The paleontologists described for the first time an insect only in feces of fossilized dinosaurs. The team found the tiny beetle, called Triamyxa Coprolithica, with some almost complete specimens and many pieces of isolated body in feces of fossilized dinosaurs. The almost complete specimens and many parts of the body have allowed the paleontologists of vertebrates and entomologists of a complete reconstruction of the triastic beetles and to understand its relationship with modern beetles.
The researchers on the study included entomologists from Taiwan, Germany and Mexico, as well as vertebrate paleontologists from Sweden. The team used synchrotronic microtomography, which is a process similar to that of CT analyzes used in hospitals. By using this process, the team was able to rebuild 3D beetles trapped in fossilized festivals, called coprolite.
Several specimens were ingested by the reptile that produced fecal matter and some were almost complete, with a large part of the delicate legs and antennas still intact. They have been sufficiently preserved that the researchers were able to rebuild the toddler beetle in detail. The beetle represents a previously unknown family that has been extinguished but has distant parents surviving today.
His surviving relatives are described as tiny and living in humid places with abundant algae. The researchers say that the beetles of the coprolite have been preserved in the same way on how the specimens are preserved to Amber. Fossils found typically the best preserved insect fossils. However, preserved fossils in Amber have been mainly trained in relatively recent geological time frames.
The discovery of the cole in the cylinder head of the fossilized dinosaurs shows that the coprolites could be useful for studying the early evolution of the insects and the speed of vertebrates off. The team believes that the likely producer of Coprolite was a relatively small ancestor of dinosaurs that weighed about 15 kilograms living in Poland there are about 230 million years called Silesaurus opolensis. The small size of the Beatles leads the researchers to believe that they were not the primary dinosaur regime. The disgraced remains of greater beetles that are not found in coprolites in a recognizable form have been discovered.