Singer rajesh krishnan home contact address, email, address of social page management office, home address, whatsapp number, cell phone number available here including the number of singer manager rajesh krishnan, telephone number ordering agent rajesh krishnan contact information. Besides that, from here you can also check the biography of Rajesh Krishnan such as family, career, weddings, education, height, etc. From here, you can get all the useful details.
Rajesh krishnan bio data:
Rajesh Krishnan is an Indian singer, recording producer, musician and songwriter. He has worked in many Telugu albums, Tamil and Hindi and one track. He has been active in the music industry since 1991. Rajesh Krishnan’s first album was “Chatti Ellade” in 1991. There was a list of albums of Rajesh Krishnan: Parijata, Anita Anita, Maaye Kanasalo, Putsa Nerale, Yennenu Sodanu, EE Bangarada, Aparoopada, Paarijatha, Kopa Bandre , etc.
How to get a singer contact information rajesh krishnan
Rajesh Krishnan has millions of fans and they are always trying to find out the details of Rajesh Krishnan including the details of the contacts of singer Rajesh Krishnan Management, private secretary of Rajesh Krishnan, a singer booking agent Rajesh Krishnan or Social Community, home address Rajesh Krishnan on the Internet. Sometimes, fans, promoters, organizers, and other lay people want to arrange the event and want to invite a favorite singer there. But, they don’t know how to invite Rajesh Krishnan for the event, how to contact Rajesh Krishnan to get married, how to contact the Rajesh Krishnan agent for reservations, and how to contact Rajesh Krishnan for donations.
Singer rajesh krishnan personal information
Full Name: Rajeshwara Sai Subramaya Nagaraja Krishnan
Birthday: June 3, 1973
Birthplace: Bangalore, India
Height: 6 1 inches
Weight: 80 kg
Religion: Na.
Education: Na.
Birth sign: Gemini
Profession / Job: Playback of singers, actors, musicians, artists dubbing
Singer Rajesh Krishnan Family
Father’s name: Na
Mother’s name: Meera Krishnan
Brother: Na.
Sister: Na.
Wife’s name: Soumya Rao
Children: Na.
Singer rajesh krishnan contact information
Now, from here, you can check all contact details and ways to reach out actors for all types of help, support, and as fans. Here, you can check the management team, foundation details, personal contact information, personal secretaries, booking agents, and social IDs, websites, blogs, etc.
SINGER Rajesh Krishnan Management / Detail Manager:
Office address: Na
Office telephone number: NA
Rajesh Krishnan Manager Phone Number: NA
Rajesh Krishnan Booking Agent Phone Number: Na
Singer Rajesh Krishnan Private details:
Home Town: Bengaluru, Karnataka
Current location: Bangalore, Karnataka
Residence House Address: Bangalore, Karnataka
Rajesh Krishnan Phone Number: (He hasn’t shared his personal telephone number with anyone because of privacy)
Rajesh Krishnan NoSAPP number: (He hasn’t shared whatsapp numbers with anyone because of privacy)
Email ID Rajesh Krishnan: Na
Krishnan’s Rajesh website: Na
Social account singer Rajesh Krishnan:
Don’t worry if you don’t find information because of privacy. But, you still contact him through the Rajesh Krishnan Instagram account, Rajesh Krishnan Facebook, Rajesh Krishnan Twitter, and other social accounts. You can also comment on or send messages there to get contact details Rajesh Krishnan if they allow you.
Facebook Community:
Instagram: Na.
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As you check on singer Rajesh Rajesh contact details, WhatsApp / telephone number, home address, email, including personal telephone, management